February 6, 2024

Public Investment Fund’s (PIF) Second Private Sector Forum to Foster Partnerships and Economic Growth 🇸🇦

The Public Investment Fund (PIF) is set to host its second PIF Private Sector Forum on February 6-7, 2024, at the King Abdulaziz International Convention Center in Riyadh. The event aims to strengthen partnerships between PIF, its portfolio companies, and the private sector. Aligned with PIF’s strategy to increase local content through its portfolio companies to 60% by the end of 2025 and Vision 2030’s objective to boost the private sector’s contribution to GDP to 65% by 2030, the forum will bring together government ministers, PIF executives, CEOs, thought leaders, and representatives of over 80 PIF portfolio companies. The event is expected to host more than 8,000 private sector participants from various strategic sectors, featuring sessions, workshops, and the launch of new programs to diversify the local economy and empower the private sector in line with Vision 2030 goals.

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