March 3, 2023

FTC will continue to investigate Amazon’s One Medical deal

The Federal Trade Commission stated that it will not stop Amazon’s acquisition of One Life Healthcare, which operates the One Medical clinic service, amounting to nearly $ 4 billion with debt, but will continue to investigate whether this deal produces a monopoly or causes the use of One Customer data.

The expansion of the acquisition of health sector companies is one of the priorities of the current head of the company for Amazon, who stated that this trend is one of the company’s priorities in the next stage. Amazon also aims to reduce health insurance expenses for its employees by acquiring health services companies.

It is noteworthy that not stopping the deal will pave the way for Amazon to work with health sector companies to provide services virtually and within clinics. Also, at the end of last year, Amazon began providing telehealth services under the name “Amazon Clinics” in most of the USA.

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